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What We Offer

BSM offers distinctive certification programs delivered entirely in English, providing a comprehensive learning experience throughout the entirety of the program as outlined in the followings:

Certification in General Management

General Management Program collectively provides a solid foundation in general management principles and skills, essential for success in various industries and organizational settings. .

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Certification in International Business Management

This program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare students for success in the global marketplace. Courses cover a range of topics essential for navigating the complexities of international business environments.

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Certification in Small-Sized Business Management

The Small-Sized Business Management program provides students with a specialized curriculum tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities of managing small businesses.

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(For more information on our language courses, please contact us)

Let's Get Started

For more details, feel free to give us a call anytime between 9:00 and 18:00 (Bangkok Timezone), Monday through Friday. We're here to help you.

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+66 256-9586